Discipline & Consistency (03/20/2024)

In our experience, the disciplined member who is consistent in their exercise and nutrition program achieves the most satisfying progress.

You don’t need to be a rocket surgeon or a brain scientist to figure that out.

Many people struggle being disciplined and maintaining consistency with their actions yet still question why they haven’t reached their goal.

It’s been said, “The best training / nutrition program ever written but done inconsistently will not deliver results. A poorly designed program done with consistency and effort will deliver results.”

The relationship between discipline and consistency is strong.

Discipline is your ability to follow through with your routine(s) or desired outcome.

Consistency is your ability to maintaining the behaviors and actions needed over time to make progress.

Since you’re receiving this email, you must have certain health and fitness goals. Discipline is essential for goal setting and creating a plan toward what success looks like for you.

In our experience, many people give up when they are faced with obstacles or distractions. Without discipline, it’s going to be challenging to maintain the consistency needed to work towards your goals.

If it’s raining, remain disciplined and consistent in your actions.

If you’re dealing with family stress, remain disciplined and consistent in your actions.

If you are managing a lot at work, remain disciplined and consistent in your actions.

Discipline is also necessary for establishing new habits or breaking old ones. Consistently practicing habits over time helps mold them into who you are and what you’re about.

If you want to improve your body composition or strength and endurance, discipline is needed to stick to your training schedule or nutrition plan, and your consistency ensures that you continue working at the appropriate frequency.

Here’s the kicker that catches many people – discipline involves making choices that prioritize long-term benefits over short-term gratification. When your goals require patience, your discipline will see you through.

Being consistent with the choices and actions you make, over time – your discipline, will lead to achieving many goals.

Discipline and consistency work together to so you can make progress.

You need discipline to realize success. Reinforce your discipline with consistent action.

What does that look like for you?