The Most Important Kettlebell Swing Cue ???????? (11/15/2023)

This video was prompted by a quick conversation with one of our members, Kenny, who was 1-Arm Swinging a 36kg kettlebell during the conditioning part of our Tuesday Bars & Bells program. Kenny is strong!

Kenny mentioned how the cue of “Pushing your feet hard into the floor” helped make that very heavy bell feel much lighter and his swing quicker.

Too often we focus on cues like:

“Be explosive!”

“Plank the top!”

“Let the bell float!”

“Play chicken with your zipper!” (Thanks Dan John 🙂

“The hips drive and the arms guide!”

“Crush our glutes” or “brace our abs” or any number of cues to make the Swing, Clean or Snatch technically proficient, mechanically efficient and effective.

None of those points are as important as the force you apply down into the floor through your feet.

Your hips won’t move quick if your feet are not pushing down into the ground with intent.

Your timing will be off.

Your endurance and grip will get smoked if you’re clutching and pulling the bell up to the desired height or path.

If you drive your feet hard into the floor and then extend your hips the bell will go where you’re directing it and your hips will be powerful and explosive.

The force you apply in the floor is important!

Next time you’re practicing Kettlebell Swings, or if you are more skilled and you’re performing Cleans and/or Snatches, put the emphasis into your foot pressure and force into the ground and make note of how your hips move, how your timing improves, and how the bell floats into the position you want it in.

If you’ve done something like the 5 Minute Snatch Test, Simple & Sinister or any other specialty challenge or program, this is the game-changer that will also boost your endurance and overall performance!