Every Sunday we replace the quote above our entrance door. Before you walk into the gym for your session, the quote gives you something to consider for the session and the week as a reminder, relevant to your habits, mindset, lessons in strength, or general well-being.
This week’s quote comes from author Patricia Digh from her book Life Is a Verb:
“At the end of each year, I ask myself two questions:
1. What do I want to create in this New Year?
And perhaps, even more importantly,
2. What do I want to let go of?”
At the end of each year, we begin to reflect on everything from goals achieved, what we didn’t get to do, unexpected challenges that we encountered and what we want to do next year.
What can you remove from your life this next year that could also get you to your goals or make your life better?
We get in this routine of adding more and more, without removing what’s not working or getting in the way. Instead of adding more in 2024, try subtracting. Less negative people, less distractions, less alcohol, less screen time.
I’m sure there is something in your life you’re thinking of right now that you could be better off without.